Flitch Green Super Saturday

Yesterday I was invited to take part in Flitch Green’s Super Saturday event.  Money was raised for a local charity and for Patrice Muamba’s heart charity.  He was there having his photo taken with the folk of Flitch Green and generally being very smiley!  Lots of local sports clubs were there, offering free sessions for anyone to join in.  As it was held in the Primary school, there were lots of children, and boy were they enthusiastic about yoga!  Some even came back and did a second yoga session with me in the blazing sun-it reached about 30 degrees-the hottest day of the year so far! I had a wonderful time although I needed a cold shower and a lie-down when I got home!  I’m now considering offering children’s yoga lessons at the school, so, if you know me, please spread the word about my yoga!Flitch Green Day

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